Market Snapshot (More Futures Below)
Quotes are delayed, as of September 18, 2024, 10:26:22 AM CDT or prior.
- Cattle Look to Wednesday After Tuesday Rally
- Live cattle futures posted 50 cent to $1.575 higher trade on Tuesday. Cash trade has yet to kick off this week, with Monday mostly compiling showlists. Last week saw sales of $180-182 reported in the South, steady to $1 higher from the week prior, with the North steady to $1...
- Corn Pushing Higher to Begin the Midweek Session
- Corn prices are trading with 1 to 2 cent gains so far on Wednesday morning. Futures closed out the Tuesday session with contracts up 1 to 2 ½ cents, fighting off some intraday weakness. The front month national Cash Corn price from cmdtyView was up 2 cents at $3.77 ¼...
- Cotton Steady to Start Wednesday
- Cotton prices are showing slightly mixed trade to start Wednesday within 2 points of unch futures faded off the 3 cent limit gains from Monday, with contracts closing down 14 to 94 points on Tuesday. The dollar index is back up 240 points so far, with crude oil futures up...
- Soybeans Starting Wednesday with a Rally
- Soybeans are getting things started on Wednesday with a morning bounce of 12 to 13 cents. Futures settled Tuesday with contracts steady to 1 ½ cents higher. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price was up 1 ¼ cents at $9.44 ¾. Front month Soymeal futures was down $1.90 to...
- Wheat Popping on Wednesday AM Trade
- The wheat complex is showing steady to 6 cent higher trade on Wednesday morning. Futures ended the Tuesday session mixed across all three exchanges hard red contracts showed the most strength. Chicago SRW futures were down ¾ to 2 ¾ cents at the close. KC HRW was mixed, with front...
- Hogs Shift Focus to Wednesday
- Lean hog futures were up $1.12 to $1.85 in the nearby contracts on Tuesday, with other contracts 47 cents to $1.17 higher. The national average base hog price was reported at $77.33 on Tuesday afternoon, up 37 cents from the previous day. The CME Lean Hog Index was $84.38 on...
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Quotes are delayed, as of September 18, 2024, 10:26:22 AM CDT or prior.