Market Snapshot (More Futures Below)
Quotes are delayed, as of September 18, 2024, 10:26:22 AM CDT or prior.

Cattle Look to Wednesday After Tuesday Rally
Live cattle futures posted 50 cent to $1.575 higher trade on Tuesday. Cash trade has yet to kick off this week, with Monday mostly compiling showlists. Last week saw sales of $180-182 reported in the South, steady to $1 higher from the week prior, with the North steady to $1...
Corn Pushing Higher to Begin the Midweek Session
Corn prices are trading with 1 to 2 cent gains so far on Wednesday morning. Futures closed out the Tuesday session with contracts up 1 to 2 ½ cents, fighting off some intraday weakness. The front month national Cash Corn price from cmdtyView was up 2 cents at $3.77 ¼...
Cotton Steady to Start Wednesday
Cotton prices are showing slightly mixed trade to start Wednesday within 2 points of unch futures faded off the 3 cent limit gains from Monday, with contracts closing down 14 to 94 points on Tuesday. The dollar index is back up 240 points so far, with crude oil futures up...
Soybeans Starting Wednesday with a Rally
Soybeans are getting things started on Wednesday with a morning bounce of 12 to 13 cents. Futures settled Tuesday with contracts steady to 1 ½ cents higher. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price was up 1 ¼ cents at $9.44 ¾. Front month Soymeal futures was down $1.90 to...
Wheat Popping on Wednesday AM Trade
The wheat complex is showing steady to 6 cent higher trade on Wednesday morning. Futures ended the Tuesday session mixed across all three exchanges hard red contracts showed the most strength. Chicago SRW futures were down ¾ to 2 ¾ cents at the close. KC HRW was mixed, with front...
Hogs Shift Focus to Wednesday
Lean hog futures were up $1.12 to $1.85 in the nearby contracts on Tuesday, with other contracts 47 cents to $1.17 higher. The national average base hog price was reported at $77.33 on Tuesday afternoon, up 37 cents from the previous day. The CME Lean Hog Index was $84.38 on...

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Quotes are delayed, as of September 18, 2024, 10:26:22 AM CDT or prior.

The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange